Korean researchers have conducted a systematic review into research for the acupuncture treatment of dysmenorrhoea (period pain). Data covering almost 3000 women in twenty seven randomised control trials (RCTs) were included in the study. They found that compared with pharmacological or herbal medicine, acupuncture could be bring about a significant reduction in pain.(acupuncture for primary dysmennorrhoea: a systematic review. BJOG. 2010 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print])

UK authors have been looking at the use of traditional Chinese herbs in the treatment of endometriosis (a debilitating gynaecological medical condition in females in which endometrial-like cells appear and flourish in areas outside the uterine cavity). Two high quality RCTs involving 158 subjects concluded that Chinese herbs taken after surgery have effects that are comparable to the drug gestrinone (a synthetic hormone that reduces the production of oestrogen by the ovaries). This came with the added benefit of fewer side effects. They also found that when taken orally Chinese herbal medidine may be a better overall treatment than danazol (another synthetic hormone).
(Chinese herbal medicine for endometriosis. Cochrane database Syst Rev. 2009 Jul8: (3) CD006568)
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