Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Research News

Chinese herb may prevent bone degeneration

Teams of Vietnamese and Korean biochemists have been looking at the use of the Chinese herb Gou Ji” (Rhizoma Cibotti barometz _ chain fern rhizome) as a possible treatment for osteoporosis. Traditionally this herb is used for lower back pain rheumatism and knee problems. Eight different compounds were isolated from the plant, three of which were shown to limit the activity of osteoclasts (cells which damage and compromise the bone tissue). 

Inhibitors of osteoclast formation from rhizomes of Rhizoma Cibotti barometz. JNat Prod. 2009 sep;72(9):1673-7

Ginger does stop nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

Sheng Jiang (fresh ginger root) has been found to be effective against nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. In the study 67 pregnant women received either 1000 mg ginger in capsules or a placebo. The users of ginger showed 85% reduction in symptoms versus 56% in the control. The decrease in actual vomiting was 50% vs 9% .
Effects of ginger capsules on pregnancy, nausea and vomiting. J.Altern comp.Med .2009 mar;15(3):243-6

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